The journey or the destination?

Britania, 30x30, acrylic on canvas

Britania, 30x30, acrylic on canvas

Pure Presence
The question: What is more important, the end product or the process. Obviously, without the process of making art, the art can’t exist. More importantly, how can an artist be consistently creative without being true to their own process?
Jackson Pollock knew that truthful art could only be generated profoundly “I deny the accident” Pollock said. An exceptional end product is not an accident, in fact, it’s a process of self-discovery.
Artists who try to think their way through a project may have a consistent result but won’t arrive at a higher level of intuitive inspiration. Intellect disconnects us from our intuition leaving us to over-think and even mistrust our instincts as people.


If you try to remove thought from the process you just end up replacing it with another thought.
The key is; stop worrying about outcomes all together, and use your ideas as points of departure. Let your intuition take over and your mind and body will follow.
You have arrived at pure presence when everything falls into place and you "HAVEN'T TRIED"; just let whatever happens, happen.
I am not sure if these are results of pure presence, but the images I create, come from a process that is intuitive by nature.

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