9 Days
I think most people would agree that walking down the street is a relatively benign activity. The crazy thing is, there is a lot of shit going on, all the time, everywhere, that most of us don't pay any attention to it.
When I decided that I was going create art every day, back in Oct 2017, I simultaneously began to pay attention, I mean really pay attention, to what is going on around me. It turns out there is a ton of stuff that is worthy of a painting.
I saw a guy the other day with half a beard and that is not the first time i saw him. I saw the same guy with the same half a beard about a year ago. I'm not even interested why he looks that way, I just thought it was interesting.
Can you imagine what cops see on a daily basis? WOW!!!
"9 Days", is a collection of 9-12x12, canvases, that have been created as a visual journal. Each panel is based on actual people, places, and events.
The image of the woman with the yellow hair and the red face was based on an African Canadian. She is very beautiful, tall, and elegant, and was standing by a door smoking a cigarette. When it came time to paint her, I took the opportunityto paint her with a few injected contrasting colours, which I felt related to the juxtaposition of her features, to where she was standing, and what she was doing at the time.
The cowboy in the red truck isn't a real cowboy, he is a BLING cowboy, he looked like he should be in a parade, maybe that's where I saw him.
The bold colour and design of these pieces work well together or as stand-alone images.
There is a playfulness to these paintings that made me want to organize them, change their order, stack them up or even line them up on the wall.
The colours are bold because that is how I see Calgary. There is definitely going to be more of these because each day is a painting unto its self and can be sold as one, or combinations of several.
Each 12x12 canvas is priced very affordable at $300. so you can create your own collection.
Drop me a note in the comments below or contact me via my contact page, I'd really like know what you think.